Read the latest from the Riparian Association - Beatons_Lake_Riparian_Association_Newsletter 2014
National Public Lands Day
NATIONAL PUBLIC LANDS DAY IS COMING! Save Saturday, Sept. 29th on your calendar.
This year’s project will be to clean up another illegal dump site, this one near Beaton Lake. See the flier for details. Remember how much fun it was to clean up the dump site near Marinesco the year before last?
Please contact Rod Sharka, or 715-547-6493 if you plan to participate. This is important so we know how many to expect. Note that although the flier says to bring a sack lunch, Ian Shackleford said he would provide brats for lunch if anyone could bring a barbecue grill to grill them on. Please let Rod know if have one you can bring. Also, it would be a good idea if as many folks could carpool as possible. I suggest meeting at Nordines at 8:20 am. Be prepared to leave Nordines at 8:30 am SHARP.
Lake Directories
The new lake directories have been delivered, if there are any updates please send to Bonnie or Julia at or
September 2012 Updates
Read the September newsletter here: The newsletter includes minutes for the annual meeting held in august.